Sunday, October 2, 2011

Path and Direction Pylons

I have added two tails of Pylons.
One is from the spawning point safe house.
The other is from the stronghold excavation.

The Pylons are a block of cobblestone with a burning block of netherack on top.
There is a single torch on a site and that point back to the Compound.

The Pylons are within sight of one an other and often form a lit trail.


Well this weekend has been full of my battling Silverfish.
Silverfish 1.8
Unlike the real world pest... the Mincraft Silverfish are lithophilic spawners, they live INSIDE stone.  They are unpredictable and dynamic.  Unlike other mobs, that can spawn in full daylight.  Silverfish are able to spawn MORE Silverfish.  But on the good side, they can fade a way too. 
Minecraft Wiki - Silverfish
I have started dismantling a Stronghold for its resources of Doors, Iron bars, Buttons and three types of Stone (Regular, Mossy and Cracked).  It seems that 1 in 20 stone blocks have a Silverfish in them and they spawn when the block is broken.  Once spawned others will spawn in the vicinity, breaking (without drop) the block they were IN.  I have tried covering all stone in the area with dirt, this was only marginally effective as the spontaneous spawning can be quite far.  Also the cover and uncover with dirt while mining is very time consuming.  I next tried to mine stone with sand or gravel on top, in the hopes of crushing the mobs... I worked one time.  Again, it was a lot of work to keep moving sand around.  I then tried to cover the stone with running water in the hopes of pinning and drowning the beasts.  This was also only marginally effective, difficult to see and mine through water and did nothing to keep other silverfish from spawning outside the water filled areas.
I have finally just given up and accepted that Silverfish happen.  When they do, I try to kill them as fast as i can... if too many spawn... I run and they disapper back in to the stone.

New Union Member!

Please Welcome Markilos (Mark) to the server!
Markilos is an Electrician, the best I know!
He will be around checking things out.
If you see him on, give him an hand and help him out.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Enderpearls Teleport!

This is great news... and should make hunting Endermen the new national Minecraft pastime!
I would not be surprised if Endermen become extinct because of this!
Hell they can come and tear apart my house any time!
YouTube Enderpearl Teleport

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tribute to Tony the creeper magnet

I have completed the creeper tribute to Tony.
I was worried that the 1.8 would change his luck and creepers would quit coming around his village.
HA HA HA seem there are more than ever...
Three cheers to Tony!
Hip hip... Heraye
Hip hip... Heraye
Hip hip... Heraye

Made a 10x10 colored wool creeper face just north of Tony's Village

At the foot of the tribute

View from the church

I placed the tribute so it can be seen all up the main road in the village!

Tony prays a lot... He asks that the creepers GO A WAY!

View from the Castle


Saturday, September 10, 2011

1.8 release on Monday!

I am numb with anticipaaaaaaaaaaa "say it!" tion
The Prelease is available from:
Minecraft Forums
Here is a YouTube channel of Swamps, Ravines and a Stronghold.

Tribute to Tony "Creeper Bait"

Tony attracts creepers like no other on the server.
I have collected some fine Creeper Art for him.

 I have also been inspired to craft a gift for him in his village!