Thursday, July 14, 2011

Let's Build a town!

Lets extend the road out to an area (suggestions for locations please) and build a cross roads with about 5 -10 buildings. I have included some pictures of a small town I built. Over all, I think it looks good.  Some things I like are the fire in the smoke stacks of the foundry... and Signs on all the buildings.  Some thinks I don't like... Every building is the same style / type... only the materials vary.  Let's think about what kinds of buildings are in a "Western" town or "Mid-evil" village and build accordingly.  let maintain a theme, any will do... let's just be consistent.  Please respond here for any discussion on this item.
My Hedge to keep mobs out - WORKS!

Wheat field and a stab at animal spawner - FAIL!

View above First St. with well at end of street.

First St. at night

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